Kime: To Decide

What does Kime mean? To decide. A difficulty we all face on a day to day basis. Some days worse than others. The questions that occurs most often in our minds are: Can I do it? Or, should I do it? (Check out Sensei’s blog Can I, Will I, Do I want to)

Usually the questions refer to something as mundane as what you should eat or what to wear that day. Or something big like “should I take that step?” The simple answer is you need to decide with your mind, heart, and spirit as one.

This takes practice. It starts with believing in yourself. You never know what your decision will lead to. There’s a 60% chance that it can all go wrong. There’s a 40% chance it can all go right and then some. The odds don’t seem fair. But there’s that chance that everything can go right.

Practice on small things. It’ll make the bigger problems seem like child’s play. Sometimes moments of hesitation can cause opportunities to go by or get you hurt. Or worse. Make the decision with belief behind it and let it be your own. It’s good to get advice but don’t let others decide for you. You are the one who has to live with it for the rest of your life.

Let it be yours and commit to it. Stay focused on the task at hand.

By DJ Harper

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