Don’t Sweat it!

Do you ever leave karate class and think “I am so sweaty”, or have someone say “You Smell Bad” or maybe you wonder “why do we wear this Gi when it is so hot outside? ” Don’t worry about these things…Don’t sweat it.

Wearing a GI serves some important purposes, and so does sweat to be honest! Both wearing a Gi and sweat and body odor have interesting history (who would have thought?)

The history of the GI goes back to the 13 th Century (years from 1201 – 1300 so WAY back) when possession   of weapons was outlawed in Japan. People training in the art of Karate were forced to practice at night. If officials such as law enforcement saw them, they could easily claim what they were wearing were their pajamas and they were doing nothing wrong. Another common way the GI was worn was by farmers and fisherman because they were comfortable to work in (as well as training).

Over the years the weight and color of the fabric for a GI has evolved. The most common color is white, but some karate schools do wear black. In recent years new colors have been added to support certain groups or events, such as Pink Gi’s for October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

When all students wear a Gi we all look the same, no one is rich or poor, no one is well educated or dumb, you can’t tell where some one lives, we start on an even playing field. This is something that was important to Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of ShotoKan Karate.

When you put on your Gi you feel proud.
When you put on your GI you are ready to work.
Wearing a GI helps you learn proper technique when you hear the “pop” sound of doing the punch or kick just right.
Wearing a Gi while training hard makes you sweat.

Sweat is the body’s way to cool itself. The harder we work the more we sweat. Everyone does it. It is normal and healthy. This is why it is so important to drink fluids throughout the day before training. Our body needs to have enough liquid to move from the inside to the outside.

But what about that smell?? Yes, that is good too! The odor our body produces when we sweat is a way your body moves certain bacteria and acids out of your body. That is what smells. Not “you”!

In ancient times there wasn’t the understanding of the relationship between sweat, bacteria and body odor. They did know that bathing helped make the odor go away and scented perfumes and oils were used to cover scent. As science and technology progressed over the years, different forms of antiperspirants and deodorants were made to help control sweat and body odor. Those are generally focused on underarm application because that is where the glands that release the bacteria are located.

While this might seem an odd subject, have you ever wondered why different people smell differently? A number of factors go into what comes out of your body. Some of it having to do with what goes IN your body. Others are external factors. Diet can have a large effect on your odor. If you eat a diet heavy in onion and garlic your sweat will smell a certain way. If you are taking certain medications that can also effect your body odor.

External effects can be your hygiene habits, including if you wear perfumes, lotions, or oils on your skin. Or, even the kind of soap and shampoo you use. Also, where you live can have some effects on your personal scent.

With all that in mind, one important way to respect yourself and other students is to properly care for your GI after training.  Make sure it has dried thoroughly. Wash it if smells bad or is dirty. Start your next class ready to sweat all over again!

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